Friday, February 10, 2012

Overthinking my Routines!!!

You know, I can talk myself out of doing ANYTHING! I think that is one of the issues I have with following a daily routine. Sometimes I don't do parts of the routine and other times I skip it all together because I need a break. Problem with the break philosophy is once I would take a day off, they next day the house would be far worse and I would be overwhelmed and not want to clean the following day. Seeing a pattern?

The biggest excuse I use to talk myself out of doing my routine is time. I am one busy lady and most mornings I will get up and think I am so busy and I have no time. I will talk myself out of emptying the dishwasher for example and tell myself that I don't have time and I will do it later etc. Of course, if I just had emptied the dishwasher before I had wasted my time thinking about it, I would have had it done quicker. Make sense?

So this morning I woke up EXHAUSTED! My lovely 2 year old DID NOT sleep last night. But instead of telling myself that I didn't have to start my routines because I was so tired, I just got right to work! I emptied my dishwasher and got water in the sink for the breakfast dishes. I started a load of laundry and put away the laundry that I folded last night.

Good start!

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